“Scia Criminale,” a gritty cinematic tale unfolds as an incorruptible police force clashes with a clandestine criminal syndicate, blurring the lines between justice and betrayal. Amidst urban landscapes tainted by vice, a relentless detective becomes entangled in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. The labyrinth of corruption weaves through precincts and dark alleys, testing loyalties and sparking a perilous dance. As the thin blue line battles a shadowy criminal empire, alliances fracture, and the true nature of justice hangs in the balance. “Scia Criminale” is a riveting journey into the heart of darkness where the pursuit of truth comes at a harrowing cost.
Premium matte poster. Made with museum-grade paper (175gsm fine art paper), the poster is printed with top-tier pigmented archival inks for a stunning end result.
.: Made with museum-grade archival paper (175gsm) for excellent printing fidelity and vibrant color reproduction.
.: For indoor use only
.: Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts
.: NB! Due to the production process of these posters, please allow for slight size deviations with a tolerance +/- 1/16″
.: Free shipping
12″ x 18″ | 20″ x 30″ | 24″ x 36″ | |
Width, cm | 30.48 | 50.80 | 60.96 |
Length, cm | 45.72 | 76.20 | 91.44 |