“Ride of Terror” follows Mark, a man on an innocuous car journey that turns into a nightmare. As he embarks on a road trip, circumstances take a chilling turn. Mark mysteriously disappears, leaving behind an eerie trail of unanswered questions. His loved ones launch a frantic search, uncovering a web of intrigue, from suspicious encounters to a shadowy underworld. The movie intensifies the suspense as Mark’s fate remains shrouded in mystery. “Ride of Terror” is a gripping thriller, exploring the terrifying void that swallows a man on a seemingly ordinary car ride, plunging those around him into a dark and desperate quest for answers.
Premium matte poster. Made with museum-grade paper (175gsm fine art paper), the poster is printed with top-tier pigmented archival inks for a stunning end result.
.: 175 gsm fine art paper
.: Multiple sizes
.: Matte finish
.: For indoor use
.: Free shipping
12″ x 18″ | 20″ x 30″ | 24″ x 36″ | |
Width, cm | 30.48 | 50.80 | 60.96 |
Length, cm | 45.72 | 76.20 | 91.44 |